As an institute Representative you agree to the following terms:

  1. You are registering as an Institute Representative who is responsible for authenticity of all the information shared with In case of any copyright issue, information validity related issue, would not be responsible. You are the sole owner of all information displayed/ shared with students via

  1. Validity of Bank Account Shared with
    When you share Bank account details with,you agree than it is the Bank account owned by the institute for fee collection purpose. would not be responsible for incorrect bank account details.

  1. Admission Process
    Even though you would be managing admission process using platform, would not be responsible for incorrect processing of the application,incorrect data filled by the applicant,complaint by the applicant regarding admission would only act as an facilitator.
  1. Data Sharing
    All the data related to your institute and applicants would be kept strictly confidential unless explicitly asked by govt entities for legal purpose. We do not share any confidential information related to applicant data with any third party prior to taking permission from your end.
  1. Online Transaction Charges
    You will be charged for each successful transactions as per following norms.
  2. ePravesh Transaction Charges

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